Changing faces

The story so far ....

Back when Brian Pillman did a heel turn, it was time for a change for the Z-Man.

But the bookers weren't about to let two baby faces go bad.

There had  to be another option -  an  new look, long overdue.

A couple of seamstresses were asked to come up with a concept.

It was the time when the Ultimate Warrior was blowing up in the WWF and Brutus Beefcake was on his way out.

The pictures here show their designs - the Ultimate Beefcake or The Warrior on a bad trip?

They didn't make it past the drawing room.Except one pair of warrior style trunks ....available here on auction

your chance to own a piece of wrestling history
authenticated by Z-Man Tom Zenk

The winning bid was

Thanks to all who participated!

All bids must be in $10 increments

Bidding closes Saturday March 30 at 12 noon EST

Bids will be updated here as soon as they are received, check back often.
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The previous highest bidder will be emailed, if outbid by another bidder
Bidders identities and email addresses will remain PRIVATE

Winning bidder will be notified via e-mail at the end of bidding.

All proceeds will go in entirety to the Tom Zenk Benefit

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