The Tom Zenk Collection


Tom Zenk and Brian Pillman
Steve Austin and Bobby Eaton

11/05/91 - Georgia Mountains Center><
Gainesville, GA   TV Tapings

Meltzer rates this match two and three quarter stars (Add an extra star!). Meltzer also observes "My gut feeling is that Zenk is being buried..." (11/11/91). In other news, Pillman is light heavyweight champion but is getting no push whatsoever. He is doing some matches with Studd but can't pull a good match out of him. " Austin pinned Dustin Rhodes which is Dustin's first job in nearly one year" i.e. the first job since he came to WCW!!! (WON 11/05/91). Marcus Bagwell from GWF did a job for Mike Graham in a dark match - "told the office was quite disappointed with him." Road agent Magnum T.A. "suffered a stress fracture of his bad leg and will be off the road for a few weeks" (11/11/91).

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The Tom Zenk Collection
covering 1991 
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The Tom Zenk Collection

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