Phil Lafon - aka "Dan Kroffat"
a "sweetheart of a guy..."

Steve di Salvo - aka "Steve Strong"
"Clumsy, klutzey, stiff guy, terrible to work with..."
(h) Can you tell us something about Brito and Bravo ? 

Brito and Bavo were really nice guys to me. I got along with them really well. They knew I was like 'money in the bank' for them and they looked after me. Rick tended to downplayany contribution I made (as if he was competing all the time). But, despite that, they looked after me very well.

Gino Brito
"After we wrestled the Funks in Japan, the office came back. Lord Bleares called Rick aside. Rick had cut Bleares some slack from their time in Hawaii. Rick came back and said "They want to put us over in the tournament - over Hansen and DiBiase." But Rick told them "We can't." He told them we had commitments in the US.I said "Rick, let's take it, It's twice what I'm earning in WWF." 

They [AJPW] wanted us to win the tournament. The deal would be one-month-on one-month-off, and they'd pay the airfares and tax. But I found out in the next day or two that Martel hated Japan. All the stresses he had about being away from home just doubled in Japan. He was also allergic to peanut oil which they cook with there. His face would blow up like the elephant man. He'd break out in a rash if I ate a Snickers bar in the car. And, like Johnny Ace he wanted, above all, to be a big star in the US. He wanted to be the wrestler from Quebec who made it in the US. But, in the back of my mind was the nagging question "Why wouldn't Martel want to be tag team champion in All Japan- the most prestigious tournament in Japan" - UNLESS he had a better deal in WWF -  certainly better than the one he'd cut for me...."

Can Am Shoot Part 1Part 2Part 3 | Part 4 |