Visit the Duffer Web Page at:
November 13, 1999 Reporters Cammi Granato
*** Rich Storm Volume V Issue 37
Duffers Invade Peoria!
Peoria Rivermen are 8-1-1 after their very exciting win over the Baton
Rouge Kingfish Tuesday night. It was a great game! They hope to be 10-1-1
when the Duffers leave town Sunday morning. They play the Roanoke Express
on Friday and Saturday.
The New Captain of the Peoria Riverman is at it
again! He has put together another winner. First Green Bay,
then Columbus and now Peoria. Don has solved the commuting problem
by settling on the 19th floor of a beautiful condo next to the Rink.
Save Your Money!
won't want to miss this Duffer Road trip. In the year 2010, the Duffers
will have a cure for the hazards of the "Gravity Storm". A 300 pound
Duffer would only weigh 50 pounds. 1 Lunar Day is 14 earth days.
Great for golf! Then the nights would be equally as long, only you
wouldn't need a compressor to make Ice. Rich Storm has depicted
a future Duffer Road trip Boris would be able to relieve himself without
contributing to global warming. (Pictured below next to a lunar boulder)
. Klinger is on the cell phone telling his boss that he is working
on the Pensky report, while a Duffer foursome clutches their putters after
18 holes at the at Taurus-Littrow Country Club. Golfing on the moon
would offer a new challenge. If you hit one of those high energy
balls with your new titanium charged club, you could put your shot into
lunar orbit.
M Presecky
Don't forget Tuesday.
"Live, Tuesday's, Thursday's, & Saturday's" goes on sale for Less than
$10.00 @ Best Buy
Here's a good Buffett site!
of Buffet Orthodox
All aboard for Peoria!
Peoria Road Trip
Saturday November 13, we
will meet at the Holiday Inn on Highway 83, just south of I-55.
(There is a Denny’s next door if you want breakfast) We will leave at 9:00
AM so that we can play at 12:30 PM. in the Civic Center Rink. We
will have a meal, then return to the rink for the Rivermen’s Game.
We will stay at the Holiday Inn, have Breakfast and return home on Sunday.
Directions to the
Peoria Civic Center:
Take I-55 and go Southwest
for 106 miles. Take I-74 and go West for 34.7 miles. Exit on IL-40 (Exit
94 is the Civic Center exit) Knoxville Ave. and go North for
3.1 miles. Total trip is about 150 miles
Visit Brian Kraft's web
page at:
and e-mail him at:
Peoria Road Trips
11/13-14, 11/26-28
12/10-13, 12/17-19
November 13
Peoria Trip
Dec. 31
Y2K Party
January 13-16 San Jose Trip
We need to commit now!
To 10/1/99 News
To 10/8/99 News
To 10/15/99 News
To 10/22/99 News
To 10/29/99 News
To 11/5/99 News
To 11/12/99 News
We are Going on a Duffer Road trip! If you miss this one, you can go to the Cernan Space Center Road trip on Saturday, November 20, 1999!