Vote for your favourite player in Liverpool

Vote for your Favourite player in Liverpool

Result of April 2001

1. Michael Owen (19% of votes) 2. Robbie Fowler (16% of votes) 3. Sami Hyypia (12% of votes) 4. Steven Gerrard (8% of votes) 5. Gary McAllister (5% of votes) 6. Others (40% of votes) Michael continue to become your "LFC favourite player of April 2001"!

To support you favourite player, please fill in the form below immediately!

Make your vote by selecting the list below of your favourite player in Liverpool. Votes will be complied and published on a monthly basis. All votes will contribute toward the 00/01 season end of "My Favourite Liverpool Player in 00/01 season". And the result will be announce in June.

Result of "Our favourite Liverpool Payer of the 99/00 season" in Nikke's Anfield Reds sites was calculated:- (!!!!!!!!)

Congrulation to Michael Owen! He beat Sami Hyypia for only just a few points and become your choice of "Fans Favourite Liverpool Player in 99/00 season"!

Your favourite player lost this season, don't disappointed and vote for him by now, maybe he will be next season "Fans Favourite Player" of this site after receiving your vote! However remember one vote by one person, recently I have received quite a lot disqualify votes by some people who votes so much times for his/her favourite player. I want to say once again. All votes must possess a relevant e-mail address, otherwise will be disqualify, you are just wasting your time by posting those disqulify votes!

Select your favourite player :

Name :

E-mail address :

To be fair, one vote for one person. Results will be available at the site on the 2nd day of each month. Don't forget to Bookmark this page.

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