Pass & Move (It's the Liverpool Groove)

Fact : As usual the FA Cup finalists take some time off training to put their voices to their Cup Final Record. Unlike some of the horrific attempts of recent years from the likes of Manchester United, Liverpool's form in the record industry is pretty impressive.

Who could forget Craig Johnston's classic "Anfield Rap" - with Kenny Dalglish break dancing and lyrics such as; 'Alright der Aldo, I'm Sound As A Pound'. It was a truly good football record - a rarity - and reached No.2 in the charts.

Their 1996 effort is equal to Johnston's of ten years previous. John Barnes takes the lead with a rap, backed by his team mates chants of 'Pass And Move, Pass And Move, It's The Liverpool Groove'. The song was written by T gray, H Gray & I Hoxley. Althoght we lost the Cup at last. However being a LFC supporter, I am glad to introduce this song to you! Hope you enjoy this!

To listen for the song, simply you need to download the Real Audio 3.0 first if you don't already have, then follow the steps mentioned, after that the only thing you need to do is just click on the song below!

Pass & Move - By Liverpool FC & the Boot Room Boyz

Sorry that I don't have the lyrics of this song, however if you have one, don't forgot to send me a copy by e-mail, so that I can add it on this area . Thanks a lot!

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