Steve & Beth Rybacki

Steve and Beth have been coaching Vanessa and Jamie for many years now. Jamie and Vanessa met eachother at a different gym, called the AV Twisters, when they were nine years old. When they needed help with choreography, their old coach sent them to Beth. Vanessa and Jamie fell in love with the gymn in Covina. They never did leave. Steve and Beth have been their coaches ever since. Jamie and Nessa are the Gliders very first Elite gymnasts.

Beth's Accomplishments

Beth was an elite gymnast herself. She was so great in fact, she fueled comparisions to Olga and Nadia. In fact she was Floor and Vault National Champion at age 13(hmm..that reminds me of someone I know....Nessa=). She trained at SCATS. In that same year (1980) Beth qualified for the Olympics. But it wasn't to be. The USA team didn't go to those Olympics. That seemed to be the end of her career.

National U.S Coach at the Puerto Rico Invitational.

1995 Olympic Gym Festival Women's Coach

1995 Choreographer of the Year

1980 Olympic Team Member

The first American to recieve a perfect "10" at the Nationals on the Floor exercise.

1996 Coach of the Year (voted by the Elite Coaches Association.)

Steve's Accomplishments

I couldn't find out anything about Steve. As far as I know he never made it to the elite ranks in gymnastics. I am not sure how he even got his start in coaching. Steve was,however, The Coach of the Year in '97. People say that if Vanessa and Jamie keep going he will most likely be one of the Olympic Head coaches.

1996 USOC Developmental Coach of the Year

1997 USA Gymnastics Coach of the Year

1996 Coach of the Year (voted by the Elite Coaches Association.)

Glider's Head Coach

The Glider Philoshophy

Beth and Steve's philoshophy is that they play off of the girls hopes and dreams. They don't push their athletes to do things that they don't want to do. They believe it is Jamie and Vanessa's decision to make the push to Sydney.

We have spent quite a bit of time the last two years working on our relationships. All gymnasts are going to do better with a group of helpful people around them. Everyone respects each other in our workouts. We do not believe in letting them rival against each other. That kind of "push" is short lived. If it would be left up to them, all gymnasts in the meet would "hit" and the best would win. No matter who they may be.

--Steve & Beth Rybacki.

Other Info on Steve and Beth

As you know Beth and Steve are obviously married. They have three kids. Steven, Nick, and Alexis. Alexis is the new little baby. She is a year and a couple months. She was born on May 21, 1997.

Other Coaches at Gliders

Lisa Mueller

She is a former gymnasts at the Gliders and she was at Level 10 when she retired. She is the Gliders gymnastics optional Coach. She is also a National Skill evaluator. Lisa is also the Gliders gymnastics program Manager.

Jay Wells.

All I know is that he is the a Glider team Coach.

James Ellis

A Glider team Coach and also a class coach. He is also a member of the USAG National congress.

Images of the Coaches

more to come real soon!

that is all I have right now. If any of you have any info I can use. Please e-mail me at