Matt Finney

As you can tell, my last name is Irish and I am proud of it. I am a May 1997 Texas Tech University graduate, with a Bachelors of Business Administration Degree in Marketing! Once again, I a huge sports fanatic, with my other hobbies consisting of collecting sports memorabilia, listening to music, and surfing the internet. I am from a small town, Pampa, Texas (20,000 people). Check out other web pages of Tech students from Pampa - Todd Black's Homepage and Kirk McDonald's Homepage .

Here is the first photo of my girlfriend and me. This was taken early my first semester in 1993, when we just started to date.

Here is the photo of the first formal I attended with her while she was a member of WSO (Women's Service Organization).

A photo with my "homey" Dwight Nickelberry. This was taken our senior year in high school, and Dwight made first team All-State in basketball.