
    Russell: (Harold Ramis) So, how many of you would say that you speak English fairly well, but with some
                 difficulty? (long pause) A little English? Yes, you speak some English?
    Student: Son-of-bitch! Shit!
    Class: Son-of-bitch! Shit!


    Capt. Stillman (John Larroquette) Well, explain yourselves.
    Ox: (John Candy) Well sir, we were going to the bingo parlor at the YMCA. Well one thing lead to another
           and the instructions got all fouled up there and we ended up...
    Capt. Stillman: Shut up.
    Ox: Okay sir.


    John: So we're all dog-faces. We're all very different. But there is one thing we all have in common. We were
              all stupid enough to enlist in the Army. We're mutants. There's something wrong with us. Something
              seriously wrong with us. We're soldiers. But, we're American soldiers, and we've been kickin' a-- for
              over 200 years. We're ten and one!


    Capt. Stillman: OHH!!!
    Stillman's date: Are you gonna get sick or something?
    Capt. Stillman: Where the fuck's my truck? Where's my truck? Hey! Where is the EM 50?
    Guard: A couple of soldiers took it to get it washed sir.
    Capt: Stillman: Took it to get it washed!


    Sgt Hulka: Alright, any of you suckholes want to come up here and knock me off?! (Sound of mortar being fired)
                     Oh shit! Incoming! (Explosion)