
                Even though we created the very first site on Byelorussian Football on the net, several other sites were created since then, making for a significant presense on the net. I hope that if you were unable to find what you were looking for on this page, one of the following sites can satisfy your thirst for information:


Links on Belarussian Football

Soccer in Belarus

An excellent site by Pavel Slavin, with the most up to date results and other information.  Another plus is availability of that information in Russian.  I highly recommend it!


A new site by Tim Zinoviev, in Russian



Other interesting Links

Russian Football Homepage

The first page on Russian Football and the inspiratioin behind this page. Created and maintained by Oxana Smirnova

World Football Stadiums

There is a new site by Nicola De Profit about World Football Stadiums. On that site you can find the stadiums of first division`s clubs and the National Stadiums of most countries.


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Yevgeniy Shtutin / | Edward Sorsher /

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Last modified: February 16th, 1999