Dearly Departed



WWF's Greatest and Worst Wrestlers

Updated May.23rd, 1999

R.I.P. Owen Hart

There is a little Blue Blazer in all of us.

On May 23rd, in the Kemper Arena in Kansas City Owen Hart, age 33, passed away after falling from the ceiling of the arena setting up for his entrance for his IC title match.

I am not going to say I was Owen's biggest fan, because I wasn't. To be honest, I didn't like his character at all when he played a face. But I was a huge fan of his when he played a heel, and I loved his nerdy Blue Blazer superhero angle. Owen Hart, in my opinion, was a GREAT heel, and without question was a great wrestler, and died long before his time. He was also a husband, a father, a brother and a uncle. RIP Owen, you will never be forgotten.

Also, in light of the sad news mentioned above, I have finally put together the Dearly Departed section again, up for the first time since I re-degined the page.

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