"Congratulations on winning Astrolady's Greatest Homepage Award. Please display it with pride." Thank you ver much, dear Astrolady! I am very proud of this wonderful faerie award! And so will be my faeries! Brightest Blessings from all of us!
" Congratulations! You have won the Select Site Award from the GraphX Kingdom." Thank you very much for that honor! I appreciate your consideration of my site greatly! "Thanks again, Maeve. You're the best. And just to show you that I really, really do think so... here's the: Silverhair Award of Excellence. I had been meaning to send this, because your pages are soooooo purty! Great Graphics, wondeful information and your just an all around nice person. Wear it with pride and make sure your computer doesn't eat it! ;-)" Thank you so much, dearest Silverhair! I am totally proud of this most charming award! There is a little sweet story behind the computer eating it...*smiles*, but it will be just between Silverhair and me! Give yourself a treat and visit her page! You won't regret! Brightest Blessings and White Light to you, Silverhair! This award is from a very special person! Tori did it as a surprise and had me over the moon! Thank you so much, dear Tori! It is such a wonderful award which will always hold a special place in my heart! "Please accept this gift for a beautiful site!! I had a wonderful time visiting you and will be back often. " This was a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much, dear Dawn! Dawn has a wonderful web page about 'Gone with the Wind'! I was so full of joy finding her site and the after signing the guestbook received this beautiful award! Please visit the page it comes from! You will surely be as delighted as myself! "Maeve, your page was wonderful. I really enjoyed it, and I had no idea that there was so much information about the fae folk. Not only informative, but it was also very well designed. Thank you for making your page, I loved it. I didn't get the chance to read through everything, I slightly skimmed. ;) But I shall be back. Sincerely, LadySilence" Thank you so much, Lady silence for that wonderful honor and your kind words! "Hello there! Congratulations, you're the lastest winner of the Passionate Award. Your site is very well put together plus the fairy theme was extremely tasteful :) Keep up the good work! Love, Renata a.k.a. Passion" Many heartfelt thanks to you for this award! I will cherish it with passion! "What an absolutely enchanting site you have built!! I truly enjoyed my visit, and I am more than pleased to send you my award...Love, Lady Kali" Hugs galore, dear Lady Kali for this wonderful award and your kind words! You are absolutely wonderful! "Congratulations, Maeve.....hope that you like it!!!! Blessings, Nita..aka...Star Shine" Thank you so much Nita! I truly love it with all of my heart. It was such a wonderful surprise I will treasure so much! Many heartfelt and joyous thanks! You are listening to "Briery Bush" This Realm is hosted by |