Button~Maeve's Awards~Button

I want to thank all those people kindly who bestowed me with the honor of their awards! It is a great joy and I accept it gladly. Given and received with love.


Countess Award of Excellence   Countess Award of Beauty and Enlightenment

"Congratulations, You have won Countess' Award of Excellence and Countess' Award of Beauty and Enlightenment. Your site reflected all the is excellent on the Internet along with the beautiful and enlightening side of the vast Web. I just want to thank you for sharing your site with me and all the others who will see it. Once again, congratulations. May you continue with your wonderful work and be inspired to much more in the future."

Thank you so much for that wonderful honor and your more than kind words! I am delighted beyond imagination! It all means such a lot to me and I will treasure it deep in my heart which jumps for joy!


Your page was truly wonderful and your deserve what praise you get. You have won a couple special awards either for your website or for yourself.


Beauty Award

You have won the award for website beauty. The pictures you use, beautiful. The text you display, wonderful. You are descriptive, you have great taste in color schemes and pictures. You are far from being gaudy or tacky. You are beautiful inside and your site shows it. Its just pretty. It’s not an eyesore. Thank you!

Elegance Award

You have won the award for website elegance. This means that I found your website beautiful in a mature, following, delicate sort of way. The way you portrayed things was intricate and far from being an eye-soar. You didn’t overdo on bright colors, technology like java, blinking text and lots of animated gifs or even lots of gis period. You made the page easy to look at and easy to navigate, but didn’t make it look simple. The page also showed your knowledge of code, because you are obviously past the phase of using everything you know. Good work.

Kindness Award

You have shown kindness in your site. It may have been the issue or topic you based your site on or the way you treat others. Whatever it is, your site is shining. Your good and kind qualities show in the work you do. And I hope that you stay on the web so that you can make people smile and make them happy and make them feel involved, because being a kind person is more important now then ever.

Spirit Award

You have spirit and you have won an award for that. Spirit is one of the building blocks of a great webpage because you care about the topic, you work hard, you come up with new ideas all the time and you keep trying even if things don’t go you way. You are there, you are making a statement and you are proud of it. Congrats.

Grace Award

You have won the award for web grace and etiquette. You don’t make other people’s pages slower by using their graphics. You don’t insult people and you are kind. You follow the web rules and you should be commended for it.

Receiving all this award brought tears to my eyes. I sat there looking at the mail and thought I must be dreaming. So much honor...and that my site and my work is being thought about so highly...it was so moving and touching that I couldn't hold back the tears. Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart...there are no words capable to express what I feel. It is like it could hug the whole world at once. Morgaina, you have all my gratitude which comes from the bottom of my heart and such a warm feeling! If you don't mind I dedicate this honor to my dad...he was the one who always encouraged me in life. Brightest Blessings and Gentle Breezes to you!


Magic Window Award

"Hi Maeve!

I've just spent the morning visiting you, and I'm very pleased to present you with my Magic Window Award! I loved all your graphics and faerie stories! (I never knew much about faeries until today!) Some very unique stuff! I love your Witch's Cottage as well! Congratulations! You really deserve this award! I will add you to my Winner's List later today!

Brightest Blessings!


Many many heartfelt thanks for your wonderful award and your most kind words! It made my heart smile with joy! Here at my realm there is always a door open for you or a window...which way you prefer to come in *smiles* Many heartfelt hugs your way!


The Crescent Moon Award

"Dear Maeve, I am delighted to present you with the Crescent Moon Award. Your site is fantastic! There is so much faerie information there that I did not know. I'm seriously impressed. You've done an excellent job. You really deserve it! Keryth"

Thank you very much for this beautiful award and your most kind words. I am truly touched receiving that honor. Be sure I will trasure the award as much as all the others.


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