I want to thank all those people kindly who bestowed me with the honor of their awards! It is a great joy and I accept it gladly. Given and received with love. Carol, this is such a wonderful and lovely surprise! It makes me feel so honored to receive it and all your wonderful words. I accept this cute and sweet award with love and joy straight from my heart! Thank you so much again and man heartfelt faerie blessings! "You, yes you, are eligible for the Faerie Queen Website Award! If you would like to accept this prestigious award please email me." Thank you very much for all that honor you bestowed on my site! That is most kind of you! "The miracle in all of this for me is in having my faith in mankind restored. I had forgotten how many truly wonderful and caring people there are in the world, and all of you are a large part of that miracle! How could I have forgotten that the greatest gift of life is Unselfish Love? If you think that your small contribution did not amount to much, think again! Beca told me that while she was in her coma, she "heard" all of your prayers. I can never repay all of you for what you have given back to me, but please accept my gift to you. It is not much, but I would be proud to have you display the attached award on your sites, knowing that all my gratitude is held inside it!" Thank you so much straight from the heart! It is so wonderful to know that all our support had taken such marvellous effect! Such love will never go unnoticed by the Goddess. And it is wonderful beyond any description to know that beca is doing so much better. An act of love or kindness never asks to be repayed. "Hi Maeve, I wanted to share a few things with you. I have gone award crazy at my site and came up with 2 new awards...I wanted your site to be the first to be awarded with them. I hope you enjoy them :o) LOVE & PEACE Penny :-)" My most heartfelt thanks for that beautiful surprise! Both awards are so wonderful and I feel more than honored being the very first to recieve them! I take a courtsy bow and give you a big faerie hug! Brightest Blessings and Moonlight! StarShine awards all Angels for their beauty and compassion that they show on their outstanding sites. We are truly blessed to have such an exceptional group... such precious caring Angels! Ocean bestowed this beautiful award to all Angels of the Storm and wishes you to accept this awesome gift that she created in appreciation of all you do. *smile* Thank you ever so much for all that honor! It is wonderful being a part of the Angels of the Storm! Both awards are truly beautiful and it feels so special being thought of in such a loving way. "Hello! I love your site , you have done a wonderful work. You are welcome to pick any award you like as a gift from me, Anki" Thank you so much, dear Anki! That was such a sweet surprise! It means a lot when someone just offers or sends an award after visiting. Please accept the most charming faerie hug! "I would be honored if you would accept the following award from me for your pages...They are so great! Best Wishes! *Rhiannon*" Thank you ever so much, dear Rhiannon! I accept it with joy and it is me who feels so honored! The brightest of blessings to you and my most heartfelt thanks!!! "Maeve, I just left your site and enjoyed myself very much. The graphics were great. I like the way you have your site set up. A lot of time has gone into your site and it shows. I'll come back and sign your guestbook later. I got booted before I could get it signed. It is an honor to bestow my Award of Excellence to you. You're site is indeed worthy of this award. Please post this with pride. Larry (IrishKnight)" Thank you so much straight from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and you award! It will always be a treasure within my realm and I am absolutely proud of it! Huge hugs to you! You are listening to "Briery Bush" This Realm is hosted by |