Left Fae~Faerie Clothes and Appearance~Right Faerie

    Naturally each faerie dresses according to his or her taste, but there are general styles, fashionable now for thousands of years. Ladies prefer shimmering silver gauze for dining at home, and white shifts when travelling abroad in mortal realms - white shifts against the night blackness being known to produce startling effects on mortal sensibilities.
    At home faerie ladies and gentlemen enjoy adorning themselves with the treasures of the earth, especially with diamonds and pearls. Somewhee about their persons lies a fillip of gold, on a cap, perhaps, or a hem of a dress. Sea faeries have an easier access to pearls; but land faeries prefer necklaces made from serpent's scales, which they have had to import from England ever since St. Patrick chased the snakes from Ireland.
    Of course, a great deal of red is worn by the faeries as well as displayed in their homes, for red is the color of magic, and a great deal of green, for is that not the color of the fields and the woods and of Ireland herself? Therefore red caps are all the rage in male faerie circles, well-fitting green garments eternally in style. On occasion faeries do sport about in foxglove caps, but mortals have been too quick to cry 'faerie' every time they spy the foxglove and so have falsely attributed diminutive size to the good, but not always so wee, people.
    Beautiful FaerieFaerie men and women are as perfectly proportioned as Greek statues, but not so heavy of limb. The bodies either sex display magnificent features, but mortal writers prefer to dwell upon the female form and hence to devote thier descriptions to the fairer sex. Although a few brunettes exists among the faerie court (perhaps from intermarriages with the dark-haired Celts), most ladies have fair hair which would be a disgrace if it did not delicately sweep the ground. Such women have a rather sleepy look, with languid bodily movements and a slow feline voluptuousness. Hotblooded women, they think nothing of ravishing a man in an evening's sport or infusing his blood with a fierce war lust. Yet despite the exquisite virtues of brunette and blonde faerie women alike, faerie men have, for centuries, eyed the mortal form, as have the faerie women themselves despite the fine qualities of their men. Perhaps, after a thousand-year aquaintance they desire novelty. But more likely, faeries love mortal men and women because, overflowing with love and rejoicing in all beauty, they have the immortal strength to embrace all that is beautiful of both races.
    Oftentimes faeries appear before mortals in ancient deformed shapes. But when faeries come to the mortal realms for love, their clothes are tasteful and their bodies straight. They travel abroad most often in troops, and then little is seen of their fine array and splendidly proportioned bodies. They cover themselves with such swirls of dust and straw that not a gold buckle nor a red cap can be seen. A shrill sound like buzzing thrills the air as they storm by with such force that a mortal, knocked down abruptly and dazed of sense, remembers nothing but a great buzzing wind. To see faeries in all their regalia one must be escorted to faerieland itself.
    Faerie WomanFaerie Man


    Source: Carolyn White "A History of Irish Fairies"

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