~~Honor on the Internet~~
The Internet is full of things beyond any belief - some is for the taking and some not. If we take anything from other pages it is just a matter of courtesy to give credit with a link back to those who spend so much time creating free things for others like backgrounds, graphics, animations or whatever you can think of. We owe the artists a thank you for being so generous to make things for our use. It is the same with all the adoption agencies. They create the most wonderful cyber critters for us with so much love and dedication. Is a thank you too much to ask for in return? Is it too much to ask for a link back? It is not...it is simple courtesy to give credit to the creator with a link back to her/his site. Those graphics won't eat up that much space. Since I give out awards I have learned that you cannot take a simple "thank you" for granted in our times anymore which makes me rather sad. All those giving out awards take the time to review all the pages which can become time consuming depending on the content. There are not many people who deem that worthy of a wee "thank you" after they have received what they wanted. But there are still some very nice folks out there who do respond and sometimes in a more than kind way...I am grateful for them being out there for they make the net such a brighter place to surf along.
As for me...you can see at the bottom of all my pages that I provide the link back to those kind people that having given me permission to use their things or kindly send along an adoptee. I really try to keep track of things and provide the courtesy link, but I am also human which means that sometimes someting can escape my notice. If this happens I can assure you that it is never done out of ill will. If you find something on my page that has no proper link or is copyrighted by someone else and should not be displayed here...please drop me a friendly line and I will remove it or see to it that the proper link is provided. There are so many things out there that sometimes it is hard to figure out if it is really public domain or not. I have to take the word of those offering things that are believed to be public domain. So again please let me know if you find something here that shouldn't be here at all or has no proper link. All I ask of you is to write to me in a friedly way. I simply do not like being yelled at. I am a teacher by profession...maybe a bit old-fashioned for I care a lot about good manners...though I am not that old after all:-)
Last not least...it may be possible that I display link graphics with no link at all. That is due to the fact that those sites unfortunately do not exist anymore like the Renaissance Graphic site Sabine used to host.
If you have any honor you do not take my Honor Pixie but get your very own. She was created by Nebula. Please go to her site and discover the story how this pixie came to be! You will find it more than worth surfing her site! Thank you very much dearest Nebula for all the wonderful pixies and things you create!
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