of Faeries~
- St. Columcille told the fairies they would be annihilated on Doomsday.
St. Patrick was more generous and assured them they would not achieve Paradise
until the Last Day. However, he did not mention whether at that time they
would be granted permanent residence; since their bodies are not of substantial
matter, they would be incapable of participating in the general resurrection
of the body. The fallen-angel advocates, on the whole, argue for the destruction
of the sídhe. Since fairies are not actually good creatures,
they must, by inverse argument, be somewhat tainted, and hence not suited
for the continuing joys of heaven. Some contend that fairies hold a grudge
against humankind because humans usurped their rightful immortal seats.
Humankind being allowed to polpulate the angel-depleted Heaven left no
room for the irresolute fallen ones, and so they have sought revenge against
our race by numorous spiteful acts.
Yet there
is no doubt that fairies are immortal. Fairies are gods; and doctrine is
too blunt a weapon to destroy them. An irish fairy of one faction may blithely
cudgel a fairy of another, and the latter will seemingly be no worse for
the blow. Fairies know neither disease nor death; their immaterial bodies
are not subject to decay. Nothing physical can prevent them from living
forever. And if they thought for a moment that God would not grant them
on that last day their rightful place in Heaven, they would destroy this
world and all that is in it. God and the fairies have a better understanding
of one another than mortals are inclined to believe.
Source: Carolyn White "A History of Irish Fairies"
Background courtesy by Rowan
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