
I am a very proud member of the Faerie Clan - they ae all such a wonderful family!

I Believe Gift from Fiona

If you believe please let the faerie take you to a place where people stand up for their beliefs. A heart full of thanks to Fiona for that wonderful gift to all the Clan Members!


This is very special to me! Thank you so much, dearest Absinth! Brightest Blessings and Moonlight to you!

Dream Weaver's Guild Honorable Member

"Hello again Maeve,

"I am enclosing the emblem which represents your induction into the DreamWeaver's Guild. Your comments will be planted in the Garden very soon, with link back to your website.
Thanks again for sharing, and visiting my website....I've enjoyed hearing from you.... :)
Love, Absinth"


Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Faeries Member of R.S.P.C.F.

Everyone who has a great love for faeries should join that Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Faeries! This is such a wonderful idea!



This is something very beautiful the Lady of the Sídhe believes in! Keep your dreams alive and believe in Camelot as well! Go and let yourself be enchanted! Follow me on the wing of a dream to Camelot!


Member of Tir Nan Og

Who doesn't want to be a member of Tir Nan'Og! I am proud to be one!


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