~The Faerie Love Tree~

Hidden within the Secet Sídhe you find the faerie love tree. It bears the name of the Faerie Queen of this realm and her King of Hearts. The names had to be carved in it the full moon to make that love come true. For the King of hearts is mortal and the Queen did not want to lure him to her realm. She rather wanted him to follow her out of his own free will and for the love of her.

On Samhain night she went to carve the initials while the full moon was shining on her. The sweetest song came from her lips. With hopes so high that it would reach his heart.

The Faerie Love Tree


Here you can see the carving that the Queen did on Samhain Night. And the song she sang with all her heart.

A Piece ot the Love Tree


When the moon on a cloud cast night
Hung above the tree tops
height You sang me of some distant past
That made my heart beat strong
and fast Now I know I'm home at last

You offered me an eagle's wing
That to the sun I might soar and sing
And if I heard the owl's cry
Into the forest I would fly
And in its darkness find you by.

And so our love's not a simple thing
Nor our truths unwavering
But like the moon's pull on the tide
Our fingers touch our hearts collide
I'll be a moonsbreath by your side.


You are listening to "Samhain Night" from Loreena McKennitt



Love Tree Link

Thank you so much for the carving, Rafi!


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