~A Very Special Award~

I am so deeply touched about this wonderful award I received. It is something absolutely special and I am so full of joy having it! My most heartfelt thanks to Sondra J. Seeger and Ms. Mouse for bestowing me with such an honor! But please read for yourself what they had to say!

"Ms. Mouse would also like to tell you that she does indeed believe in the fae and alludes to having friends among them. She tends to be quite close mouthed about these doings, though. She has decided to pack up her marshmallows and come visit. She is good about sharing. Her opinion (and she has many) is that you have a *HOT* site and it is her duty to tell the world about it. This is a very small award and not at all grand and dignified like yours but Ms. Mouse hopes you will accept it. It is hard to be dignified when one is eating warm marshmallows."

Isn't that sweet? I wan't to thank both straight from my heart! And it does not matter how small or big an award is...it is the thought behind it or the way it is given! That is what always counts! And this award is so wonderful and charming that it holds a special place here!

Please give Ms. Mouse a warm welcome and let her know that she looks cute eating her warm marshmallows!

Ivy Ms. Mouse Ivy

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