The 13 Trees of the Lunar Year

You are listening to "Memory of Trees" by Enya

Luis (Mountain Ash/Rowan)
January through February

Rowan increases divination abilities; helps to expand breadth of view in specific circumstances. Aids in understanding the various potentialities of a situation as a seed relates to manifestation. For quickening and an aborting a venture. For protection, especially of the feminine. Reconnects to the Universal Love Ground.


Nuin (Ash)
February though March

Soothes impatience and restlessness. Helps neutralize the venom of others emotional outbursts. Cultivates the quieting of oneself in reaching the inner stillness of being.

Fearn (Alder)
March through April

Reconnects with the Earth in reverence and reveals the harmony of things and actions. Aids in controlling the manifesting energy of a new venture by keeping it in accord with natural order. Heals doubt by restoring the harmonic path.

Saille (Willow)
April though May

Facilitates transitions to enable rebirth; heals the psyche; and provides the energy to move on. Restores after a heavy trial, enabling forward movement to new ventures. Heals resentment.

Huath (Hawthorn)
May through June

Helps learning to enforce the boundries of oneself emotionally, physically, and psychically. Aids in attaining the balance between individuality and connection with the Universe and selfhood.

Duir (Oak)
June through July

Teaches one to know the strength of ones roots (as in groundedness or in the unconscious) by experiencing the lightening flash. Provides the necesary strength for required encounters. The strength of the warrior that is based on foundation.

Tinne (Holly)
July through August

Protects against the negative emotions of hatred, envy, suspicion and greed by increasing love, positivity, and luck. Encourages healing by the protection of love in community.

Coll (Hazel)
August through September

Encourages the vision and wisdom gained from the journey within. Discovery from oneself: the buried treasure within. Facilitates the completion of energies, drawing things to a close before a new beginning.

Muin (Vine)
September through October

Nurtures inspiration from past experience (or lives). Aids in revealing the life work of a soul -- from self -- understanding and relating to the whole. Encourages anchoring in the Now.

Gort (Ivy)
October through November

Inspires the ecstasy of true self-expression, clarity, and exhilaration. The journey of the soul in returning to the Source. The sword of clarity or the strength of woman in connecting to the natural. Antidote for inebriation.

Ngetal (Reed)
November through December

Gives the peace of abiding with endings. Encourages knowing the inevitability of rise and fall; promotes moving through the cycles in joy, not terror. Facilitates seeing the patterns of ebb and flow, understanding the movement of things.

Ruis (Elder)

Restores the healing and protection of the family or community in a real physical and emotional sense. (A more assertive protection then Rowan.) Attends the needs we have for community; heals isolation and terror of change by re-establishing the sense of belonging to the Universe. Protects the center in times of flux when nothing seems fixed.

Beth (Birch)
December through January

Supports self-authority and self-discipline based on awakening sensitivity and awareness. Facilitates integration on the self into a unified whole. Invokes the sensitivity of all trees.

AislingOh look, I have an elven girl now! Isn't that wonderful? Her name is Aisling which is Irish an means "vision, dream". I am sure she will be the most beautiful elven maid ever!

Aisling as adultShe is a full elven adult now! Thank you so much, dear Kala for this outstanding beauty! Aisling is the most wonderful elf! She is my pride and joy!

GamalielThis is Gamaliel a friend of Enda. He came to live here so he can play with Enda every time he wants to. They all have so much fun here among the trees and they even have built their own treehouse.

TwinklesTwinkles is a little bit shy, but once you gained her confidence you will find that she is such a charming elf maiden and fun to be with! And she is very beautiful. The faeries like her a lot as well and sometimes come to play with her and the other elves here.

GoldmoonGoldmoon came to the forest one day, because all her family had disappeared. She made friends with the elves here very fast and they have become her family now.

Aisling's Birth CertificateBirth Certificate Twinkles

Aisling now lives here in the Enchanted Forest together with the faeries. Gamaliel came from the same realm as Aisling and her brother and was given to me as a gift. Goldmoon was a gift to a friend, but she had no homepage and her to live with my elves here that she might not be frightened and alone.


Enda Aisling has a brother now and his name is Enda. She is so delighted that she won't be living alone here anymore and Enda is proud having such a wonderful sister.

EndaNow Enda has grown up now into a beautiful young elf. Aisling adores her brother and both have so much fun exploring the woods with their friends.

Birth Certificate Enda


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