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Hello my little Giggling Geese! Come sit down and let's have some fun....
You like Knock Knock jokes? Oh, I have a bunch for you! You can drive your parents wild! HeHeHe
I have some really neat Riddles for you too!
2. If three is a crowd, what's four and five?
3. Why does a hummingbird hum?
4. What is black when clean and white when dirty?
5. Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?
6. What smells the most in a bakery?
7. What did the pig say when a man got him by his tail?
8. What man do you always take your hat off to?
9. What four letters of the alphabet would frighten a thief?
10. Why didn't the animals play cards on Noah's Ark?
Answers for #1
ANSWERS: 1. A teapot; 2. Nine; 3. Because he can't remember the words; 4. A chalkboard; 5. He ran out of juice; 6. Your nose; 7. "This is the end of me"; 8. The barber; 9. O.I.C.U.; 10. Because Noah stood on the deck.
Riddles #2
2. Why did the lady go outside with her purse open?
3. What five-letter word has six left when you take two away?
4. If I gave you ten cents to walk three miles in the morning and 20 cents to walk five miles in the afternoon, what would you have?
5. When does the teacher wear sunglasses?
6. What is the difference between a high mountain and bad tasting medicine?
7. What two animals go with you everywhere?
8. Why does a rabbit always have a shiny nose?
9. What is the hardest thing about ice skating?
10. If you threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?
Answers #2
ANSWERS: 1. Your nose; 2. Because she knew there would be some change in the weather.; 3. Sixty; 4. Tired feet; 5. When she has bright pupils; 6. One is hard to get up and the other is hard to get down; 7. Your calves; 8. Because it wears its powder puff on the wrong end; 9. The ice; 10. Wet!
1. Why is a baseball game like a stack of pancakes?
2. Why did two crows sit on a telephone wire?
3. When is a spider like a baseball player?
4. What is the best month for a parade?
5. What would you do if you were chased by a pink elephant and a blue lion?
6. Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?
7. Why can't a bicycle stand by itself?
8. What is easy to pick up and hard to put down ?
9. When is a dog most likely to come in a door?
10. When can you hold water in a net?
Answers #3
ANSWERS: 1. Because they both depend on the batter; 2. They wanted to make a long-distance caw (call); 3. When it catches flies; 4. March; 5. Get off the carousel; 6. Because it was out of juice; 7. Because it's too (two) tired; 8. A good book; 9. When the door is open; 10. When it turns into ice.
2. Why was the baby grape worried?
3. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
4. What do tigers and snakes have that no other creatures have?
5. Do buses run on time?
6. I have four legs yet only one foot, what am I?
7. Why do bees hum?
8. What's a ghost's favorite make-up?
9. What's black when it's clean and white when it's dirty?
10. Why did the one-handed man cross the road?
Answers #4
ANSWERS: 1. A clock; 2. Because its mom and dad were in a jam; 3. A towel; 4. Baby tigers and baby snakes; 5. No, they run on wheels; 6. A bed; 7. Because they don't know the words; 8. Vanishing cream; 9. A blackboard; 10. To get to the second-hand shop.
Granny Goose Jokes and Riddles provided by Retta
Some Graphics are Toggabi'sSome Graphics from Bill's Animated Gif