So, you want to know more about me? Hmm... what can I tell you? First of all you can tell I like Eeyore, and if you couldn't tell that you have a very low IQ and you need help. I also like the other Pooh characters, that is a question I get often. "Do you like all the others too?" I do like them but Eeyore is the best!
My computer is my secret weapon against the world, I use to express myself or to get away. I like to play PC games like Boggle, Scrabble, The Simpsons, Sonic CD, King's Quest, and other Window's games. I also like to chat on the net and on ICQ. I like to look at other homepages and teen sites.
I also like to listen to music, I mainly like Alternative and R&B. I like artists such as Jewel, Donna Lewis, Alanis Morissette, OMC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Wallflowers, and Green Day. I like to sit in my room and have 25 CD's in the player and push random and just sit and listen.
Writing such things as stories and poems help me escape from everyday life as well as my computer and music. I like to write fanasty stories and meaningful poems and maybe someday, if I am feeling brave enough, I might put a few poems and stories on my page. I am not quite that brave yet so it will have to wait!
I don't know what else to say really. My life is basically boring. I live in Rush County, Indiana which means there is nothing to do. If you don't already know me, I am a 15 year old female. I am on summer vacation! I am taking summer school though, not because I flunked, but here you can take P.E. in the summer instead of during the school year, so we get to swim and do more fun stuff (even though I HATE P.E. with a huge passion I would rather take it during the summer).
As for this page, I will try to update it and make it better. I don't always have tons and tons of free time to just sit and work on it so it may be long time periods between each update, but then again maybe not?! Thats the wonders of life. Never knowing what will happen next! As for talking about me I think I am done for now.