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To win my homepage award you must:
  • Have signed my guestbook
  • Have a homepage, duh!
  • You must have content in your page, not just links and graphics
  • Your page must be kid-safe (no harsh language or racisim of any kind)
  • Fill Out the Form or E-mail me with:
  • 1) Your name
    2) Your E-mail address
    3) Your homepage address
    4) Which award you want
    5) Why you think you deserve the award
    6) I would appreciate it and consider you more thoughtfully if you take the time to click the banner at the top of this page!
    E-mail me

    I have created new awards, using a new program, that are much MUCH MUCH better that the old one! I have even made more than one kind of award: The Family Friendly Site Award, The Pooh-rific Site Award, The Original Design Award, The Outta This World Site Award, and the Special Site Award. I have put the awards below so you can see; they all have "sample" written on them, but if you recieve one, I will e-mail you to let you know where you can save the award from. I have animated two of the five, but if you recieve that award you do not have to take the animated one, they are kinda large in size so if you want the regular one just let me know. Take a look and then e-mail me if you would like to apply!


    The Family Friendly Site Award is given to a site in which all the content is suitable for any age to veiw. This award has the Rugrat characters on it to show that the page is suitable for even babies.
    Elmo says this site is awesome Special Site Award is awarded to a page that has one-of-a-kind content, the combination of good graphics, colored text, and a good layout.
    The Original Design Award is given to a page that shows true originality and new ideas. This page should be the creater's idea and pave the way for all other homepages.
    The Pooh-rific Site Award was the award I originally started with, but with the new and improved award it actually has a pic of pooh right on the award. This is given to a homepage that has truly worked hard and has a good layout and structure for the page.
    The Outta This World Site Award is for pages that are above and beyone the rest. These pages are extremely well done, with NO broken links or graphics, if they have frames they have an option to veiw their page with no frames, and if I visit your frames page they must be well laid out and I CAN NOT get stuck in them or you will only be eligible for one of the other awards.

    So you think you deserve one of my awards? :-)

    Your full name:
    Your email address: (e.g.:

    What is your homepage URL?
    How did you find this site?
    If the is animated, do you want the animated version?
    Which award do you want?   Family Friendly Site   Origianl Desing Award   Elmo Award   Pooh-rific Award Outta This World Award  
    Why do you deserve this award?

    FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm
