
To interpret this HTML coding, text in blackbold is the HTML code, and text in red bold is text that can be replaced

Every page begins with this HTML (it may differ)


<body bgcolor="#??????" background="background_name_here.gif" text="#??????" link="#??????" vlink="#??????">

You replace ?????? with hexidecimal color names. If you don't want a background image remove the line background="background_name_here.gif"
If you do want a background, replace background_name_here.gif  with the image name (eg: background.gif, bgd.jpg)

Here is some HTML which is used all over the place:
<a href="link_URL_here">name_of_link</a>
- creates a link
<a href="mailto:e-mail_address_here>name</a>
- creates an e-mail link

<img src="image_name_here.gif (or jpg)">
- shows an image

- centers text

<br> - Finishes the current line and starts a new one
<p> - Finishes the current line, leaves a line and starts on the next.

- creates a bulleted list. If you want a numbered list, change
<ul> and </ul> to 
<ol> and </ol>

<h1> - creates a size 1 heading.
<h2> - creates a size 2 heading.
<h3> - creates a size 3 heading.
<h4> - creates a size 4 heading.
<h5> - creates a size 5 heading.
<h6> - creates a size 6 heading.
LEVEL 1 is the the largest an LEVEL 6 is the smallest.

<b>bold_text</b>- bold text
<i>italic_text</i> - italic text
<u>underlined_text</u> - underlined text
<blink>blink_text</blink> - makes text blink

This allows you to jump to other parts of the same page. The target is where you are jumping to.
<a name="target_name_here">
- creates a target.
<a href="#target_name_here">hotlink_text</a>
- creates the link which jumps to the target.

<ul>- indents page. You can add this as many times as you want to indent further. To end indent(s), use </ul> as many times as you placed the <ul> code in.

All HTML must end with this:

Other HTML Help Links here in EF!
Grandma Carol
CL Nick's Cottage
Jennifer's Cottage
Fairylands Help
Miriam's Html Help
Join the Html Kids Club

E-mail us at: EF Cottage Center.

EF Cottage Center is affiliated with the Enchanted Forest in Geocities.

© Copyright 1999 by EF Cottage Center

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