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Australian Anthom
There is a great deal of debate about what should be our national anthom. There are four main sectors for this debate. The monicists believe "God Save the Queen" should still be our national theme. Others are happy with "Advance Australia Fair". Many Feel that "Waltzing Matilda" (adapted from the poem of the same name by Banjo Patterson) Is much more fitting to Australia, while the last main group feel that Peter Allen's Song "I still call Australia Home" captures the hearts of all australians.
For your benifit, I have two of the four here for you, Waltzing Matilda, and Advance Australia Fair. I am searching desperately for I still call Australia home, and God save the Queen, to give you a fair comparison. I hope you enjoy the songs of Australia's Heart!
Waltzing Matilda
Advance Australia Fair
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