Please take a moment to rank my site - thank you

Awards I have received

Can you belive it, I have won some awards. I would like to thank every one of your whom feel that my site was special enough to give me these wonderful gifts. There is not one here that doesnt mean something to me. A few I applied for, and most where given just from their hearts. I dont like applying for awards. Personally I feel that awards are given from the heart, and not applied for. No matter how I got them, I love them. To save you loading time, I have kept to the method of only having three awards to a page. That way it will load so much faster. Just use the *next* and *back* button's to move thru these pages. All the awards are linked to the award givers site. I would encourage you to take a peek into some of these sites. Again, to my award givers, heart felt thanks! If you would like to honour me with your award.... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? *laughing*

This award is so very special. Why?
Cause it comes from my precious 4 year old daughter.
Thanks baby. Mummy Loves you

Wandering Faeries Awards received 8th April
These awards are very special to me cause they come from my absolute favourite faery site.
I love wandering faeries, and if you click on the awards,
Im sure you will love it just as much as I do
Thanks Wandering Faeries with all my heart!

Awards Directory

Featuring backgrounds by Jessica Marks:
[ Awards | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 ]

Featuring backgrounds by : Sarah Ballard
[ Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 ]

Featuring backgrounds by Jon Vermilyea:
[ Page 11 | Page 12 | Page 13 | Page 14 | Page 15 ]

The background featured on this page is all by the very talented Jessica C Marks. She is a rising star, aged just 18 years old. The art used here is used with Jessica's permission, and is copyrighted, so please dont "borrow" it. To view more of Jessica's awe inspiring art, please visit her page at Elfwood

Where to Go and What to do?

This page is copyrighted © by Cathie's Faery Story Land