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Cathie's Backgrounds Collection.
Welcome to Cathie Faery Story Lands Background Collection. All these background sets were made by me and are available for use on any private site, other then private collections. This is still a very new adventure for me. I will be adding, changing and fixing this area often, so please stop back another time, or enter your email address at the bottom of the pages you are intrested, and "netmind" will inform you when the page you entered your email address on has changed.
I must as that you please do NOT link to any graphic on my site. If you want something out of my sets, please save it to your own hard drive or server. Thank you for your assisstance in this. While it is not essentual, a link back to my site is appreciated so others can find and use these backgrounds. I would also really appreciate it if you could please drop me a quick line if you are using my backgrounds, to see how they look on a page set up. Again, it isnt a rule, but it appreciated. *smiles*
If you have a picture or graphic that you really like, and would like to see if you can make this into a entire background set, please give me a try. My work is cheap (the best kind of cheap... free!) and I would like the experience. If you are a graphic orientated person and have any hints or pointers... Im all ears! *laughing*
For your convienience, I have made these two buttons for you to use on your page to link to this page (, or my main entry page ( If you need a button made to suit a certain colored page, please drop me a line!
Where to Go and What to do?
This page is copyrighted © by Cathie's Faery Story Land