Please take a moment to rank my site
These are the causes and groups I belong to. Some I feel are very very important, and I hope you take a few moments to read about them all.
The Author is a Member.
I am proud to be a member of the HTML Writters Group.
Some time ago, I won a bet, and my father had to buy me HTML from dummies. Between that, and sourcing pages along the way, I learnt what I now know. While I still concider my knowledge limited, I know Im learning more and more all the time, and offer what little knowledge I have to others.
Believing is a magical thing. Believing in that which is not easily seen, is even more magical. I believe most dearly in the Sidhe, and the faery mounds of the UK. I believe in the Earth Spirits that come in many forms, even winged little beauties, and sometimes gnomes. I am a true believer, and if you are, collect your button to display by clicking the above image.
I am proud member Elf Cathie. I believe that knowledge is best shared, so I joined this group of hard working pagecrazy elves. Please click HERE to read the creed, or click the image above
to go directly to the Web Site of the Pagecrazy website elves. If you are a giver, or need to learn something new, this is a must!
If you were a lover of the movie "The Labyrinth" when it came out in the early 80's and would like to see it re released, then join this group in trying to get it back into cinema's and onto video shop shelves.
I am also a proud member of the Garden House. This is a wonderful Group of Ladies, and I am glad I found this Club. The Garden House is about sharing, belonging, networking, and just communicating. Click HERE to read the creed, or click the image above
to go directly to the Web Site of the Garden House.
Through out time, millions of people have, and still are dieing in the name of religion. From thousands of innocent men and woman being tortured and burnt or hung in the name of Christianity during the Witch Trails, to Millions dieing at the hands of Hitler. I am a Proud Supporter of the Fight the Fear Campaign and
I will NOT stand for religious intolerance!
Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program.
By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that
is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!
I was deeply moved by this story, and shed tears over it. I really feel for Edward and his Parents, and out of Honour for them, I have adopted this angel in Edwards memory. No Parent should have to go through what the Werners went through! Our children are not safe anymore to play like we did and to trust like we have. I encourage you to read Edwards story and make a stand against child mistreatment of all kinds! Click HERE to go to "Children Are Worth Saving" Or click Edwards image to read his story.
Every day, children are being abused. Child Abuse is a horrible thing. Like every Parent, I have fears that someday, someone trusted could abuse my daughter like this. I Urge everyone to do something to stop it!
This is a fantastic organisation in Australia. They grant wishes to terminally ill children. I have for a long time donated money to them to continue their wonderful work. Please stop by and read about this organisation.
A different motivation every day.
Click the image to see the full version
I am a Guest Book Surfer.
Click the Book to find out more
Where to Go and What to do?
This page is copyrighted © by Cathie's Faery Story Land