Glowing Solemn Mark of the Fraggle
Behind the Wall
Latest update: July 1, 2004
Another glowing Solemn Mark of the Fraggle

Don't you wish you could go in there?

Do Fraggles have lap-tops?

"Bring back the wonder we knew long ago..."
-- Red Fraggle

Alright, more building space! :D Reconstruction will begin soon... . We're moving?

July 1, 2004

I've gotten many emails asking about Fraggle Rock on DVD in the past, and I have a potential soultion for you. It's not set in stone yet, so it needs your help to make it happen. HIT Entertainment (who also distributes countless popular children's television franchises) has purchased distribution rights for Fraggle Rock. This doesn't mean much yet, but there's a good chance they may release Fraggle Rock on DVD - hopefully the ENTIRE series. To let them know you really want to see this happen, go to and sign the online petition to join the more than 20000 people who have already voiced that they want Fraggle Rock finally released as it should be.

May 18, 2004

I know a lot of you have been waiting for this for a long time. Behind the Wall's streaming Fraggle music player, the Rock Box, is back online!

May 9, 2004

Things are looking up, Fraggle fans. I am in the process of looking for a suitable web server for this site. The Doozers need more space to build, and once I'm certain I've found the right web service, I shall begin reconstruction on this site, and it'll be far bigger and better. New features and updates to old sections (including a new version of the old fan favorite, the Rock Box) will become available. The Great Fraggle Travel Race will also be rebuilt with a better interface and brought back online. Though this site will still call back to its humble beginnings, expect a more professional look with much easier navigation. I'm really excited about this, and I hope you are too. This has been a long-time coming and far overdue, but the time has come for Behind the Wall to stagger back to life, and "Rock" once again. And a special thanks to those of you who sent me emails of support through the rough times. You helped give me the motivation I needed. :)

A brief summary of Fraggle Rock Trying to refresh your memory or have no idea who this site is about?<<Added on 6/14/99>>

My collection of Fraggle Rock stuff Lots of graphics! <<Last Updated on 12/17/98>>

The Encyclopedia Fragglia Online <<Last updated on 01/10/01>>

The Rock Box Behind the Wall's streaming audio player built exclusively for Fraggle music! <<It's back!!>>

Creature Sizes See just how much bigger than you a Gorg is <<Added on 08/13/98>>

Links to other Fraggle Rock sites <<Last updated 09/07/99>>

Downloads <<Last updated 11/11/99>>

Media Archive <<Last updated 12/17/98>>

The Great Fraggle Travel Race currently offline

Muppet Race Mania Fraggle Rock on your Playstation <<Added on 06/15/00>>

Fraggle Rock, the muppets, and all related graphics, places, things, etc. are copyright
That's Kermit the Frog, Bozo.

Please do not steal material from this site. If you would like to use something, please ask permission first or at least mention where you got the material.

Thank you all, you explorers who discovered this hole in the wall.

Watch Odyssey
First brought online on Feb 13, 1997
Returned on Apr 17, 1998
Last updated on July 1, 2004

Chris "The Sixth Fraggle" Andrese

Magical words that brought you here...
Dance your cares away, Worries for another day,
Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock!
Work your cares away, Dancing's for another day,
Let the Fraggles play, we're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red!

Sprocket Doc Ardeth Shimmelfinney Doozer Cotterpin Wrench Turbo
Gorg Ma Pa Junior Radish Traveling Matt Cantus Trash Heap Philo Gunge
Minstrel Medley Cavern "Behind the Wall" World's Oldest HBO
Outer Space Silly Creature Great Hall Jim Henson
"You cannot leave the Magic"