Welcome to Chrissy's Cute Corner!

Hi! I'm Chrissy- thanks for stopping by my little spot!

Today I am The current mood of chrissy_12@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

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Visit my Valentine's Day Page - Valentines to sent to your hunny, and a very limited number of graphics for you!

(Please vote for me here or at the bottom of the page!!!)

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My Pooh Stuff pages. Lyrics, links, images and his hive! Free graphics of my own creation for your homepages Adopt a cute little Lert for your page A Page full of Cute Quotes!
View my Awards Add a link or visit other people's Pooh pages! Learn all about your host, me! Visit my Beehive!
Hello, Hello Kitty! Check out my page! Visit my pets. They love guests! In the band? Check out the page Visit my Rings and Clubs!
Have a home page? Need some help? Here's where you can find it! Veggie Ta-a-ales, Veggie Ta-a-ales. Check out the page! Pop in on my little house on the net! See my little 'thots', my smackerals for the day, and what's new!
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Pooh stuff to print out! (Valentines, bookmarks...)

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This is my brand spankin' new guestbook, and it's all empty in there, so stop in and sign it for me!!!

Pleeeaaase sign my guestbook! It's brand new and empty!Pooh signing a pageView my guestbook!

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OR, view my old Guestbook that I had to archive.

And, if you ever get lost, never fear!! Just click one of these two buttons, and you'll be Home again!!

There's no place like home!Just the directory of pages, please!

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EeyoreYou are the Counter wonderful person to come to my page since June 2001.

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If you would like to link back to my site (which would be very nice of you!) visit Here! for my buttons and stuff!

Well, I'm Chrissy and I want to thank you so much for coming- please come again!
I have put a lot of work into my little site. And, to quote Pooh, "Second helpings are
what happiness is made of!" See you soon!!

Where'd I get my cursor trailer and other graphics?
Go Here for my thank you list!

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