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Welcome to the Keep Kids Safe Webring Home Page!

This is the web ring on the internet that is dedicated to keep kids safe on the internet. When kids use this webring, it will take them to only kid-safe web sites, therefore making sure that they stay safe while surfing the internet.

You might be asking... How do I get to become a part of this web ring?

It's funny you ask that!
Here are the requirements for joining the Keep Kids Safe Web Ring:

1. You *must* have a web site

2. Your web site *must* be kid-safe
(You wouldn't mind your grandmother seeing it)

3. Your web site *must* follow the GeoCities content guidelines as well as the Enchanted Forest guidelines, even if your site does not exist in GeoCities or the Enchanted Forest.

4. Your web site must be well developed
(in other words you have put a lot of time and effort into your web site)

5. Your site must be approved by the ring manager or a ring helper

6. You must want to join the ring :)


If you feel that you follow all of these requirements, then you may submit your site to the Keep Kids Safe Queue! :) Remember to download this image, then upload it to your server so that the code will work!

Submit your page to the Keep Kids Safe WebRing

Your page's title:

Your page's URL:
(Please put the Full URL of the page that your webring will be on!

Your e-mail address:
(If this isn't right, you won't be entered into the ring!)
Name: (First Name only)

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!)
(Please do not use your web site password) *S*

*Your password will be kept confidential. And please don't tell anyone your password!*

Keywords: Enter up to 10 keywords to describe your page.
Description: Enter a short description of your page.

Need to edit your site details?

Enter your ring id, site id, and password below to log into Webring Management. Forgot your password?

Ring ID:
Site ID:


The Keep Kids Safe Webring is now hosting a new rating program for sites designed by or for kids called the Color Globe Rating System. You can apply your site to be considered for one of the following ratings.

Note: These ratings are not easy to obtain and all sites will go through a very extensive review by the Color Globe Rating System team. You also may NOT steal any of the ratings without obtaining them first.


The PINK rating is given to sites that...

Have broken links, broken images, and little or no content, but are kid-safe.


The PURPLE rating is given to sites that...

 Are still being developed and/or have not shown any sign of updates in at least 2 weeks, but are still kid-safe.

The BLUE rating is given to sites that...

Are developed but have small errors in some of the pages that might cause browsers to "shut down"... the pages are still kid-safe entirely.


The GREEN rating is given to sites that...

Are entirely kid-safe, well designed and have great layout, but not necessarily for kids. (This is the absolute BEST rating your site can get if it is not necessarily for kids)


The GOLDEN rating is given to sites that...

 Are either designed by kids, for kids, or about kids. GOLDEN sites have excellent content, are well-designed, have great layout, and are totally for kids. The site is "finished". (This is the absolute BEST rating your site can get, if it is for kids)



Review Request Form

* indicates absolutely required field... if you do not fill something with a * beside it out, or if you give false information, then your site will absolutely NOT be considered for a rating. 


Your name or nickname:
Your email address*:

Site URL*:
Which color out of the colors we give do you think your site should be listed under?

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Join the Keep Kids Safe Webring!

Geocities Ring
This Geocities Ring site
is owned by Snowaltz.

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