dfairy_ttl.gif (24076 bytes)

I want to thank all DFairies that sent me gifts and awards,
they are so beautiful.

ibelievheartb.jpg (10702 bytes)

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wdpanzeefairy.jpg (18616 bytes)

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Thank you Fairy Squaw

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newfgdwel.jpg (14767 bytes)

seowelcome.gif (25812 bytes)

welcome_dbaby.gif (43753 bytes)

welcome_sandy.bmp (43766 bytes)
Thank you Sandy


dmoon2.jpg (15000 bytes)


dmoon3.jpg (12622 bytes)


newfairy_harmony.JPG (22250 bytes)

orna-harmony.jpg (15422 bytes)


kiswel.jpg (9785 bytes)

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welcome_dpammy.jpg (13068 bytes)

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Web Creation by Pantech
Graphics by Pam
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