Poems, Stories
& Pictures

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My Friend Jeff sent me this picture on Hotmail.  I thought it was absolutely beautiful, so I put it on my web page. 

Jilly Joke

Jilly Joke is a Joke,
she make's big Jokes
tall Jokes, all kind's of
Jokes, right now she's
making my web page a

Katelyn 8 yrs

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Socks has 4 white
socks, she  cleans her socks,
she polishes her nose.

Katelyn 8 yrs



Stories from Grade 3
by Katelyn

The Halloween Scare

It was one early morning.  I was walking to school and a couple of bullies were teasing me.  My friend Maggie came along and said "Get away from her!"
They ran away.  Maggie walked the rest of the way to school with me.   When I got home mom left a note saying, "Sorry I'm working late today.   Have a fun Halloween. Love Mom".
Maggie called.  She said "Can I come over?"
"Yes." I said.
Maggie and I went trick or treating.  We went to one house and knocked on the door.
Knock, Knock. A boy answered.
I said to Maggie, "that's the bully!"
We ran as fast as we could, but he caught up with us.  He tried to bite me, but when he did I said "you're not a vampire."
Maggie pulled of his mask.  It was the bully.  So we kept collecting candy.  When we were done Maggie went home.  I went home and mom was home.
She asked me, "Did you have fun?"
I said "Yes."
From then on the bully didn't bug any one.  THE END

by Katelyn

The Christmas Surprise

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It was the day before Christmas and my friend Krista was coming over.  My brother was trying to find his cars.  All of a sudden I heard a knock.   Krista was here.  Krista and I went up in my room.  It was eight o'clock my bed time, so we went to bed.  We woke up and went downstairs.  We saw a puppy.  We didn't know who the owner was, so we ran outside, because we knew mom wouldn't let us keep it.  We didn't know what to do so we made up our mind we have to ask mom.  On our way home, Krista said, "Did you check the wrapper label?"
"Why would it be on the label?" I said.
We were at home at last.  I was going to ask mom if we can keep it and Krista was going to check the label.  I asked mom if we could keep it.  She said sure because Santa gave you it.  So we were fine after all.

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Lost in the Desert

Today is Saturday.  It's the worst day in my life, to me.   First I have to go to my day care.  Then I have to go to my friend's house.   It sucks.  I was supposed to go to a great birthday party, but mom wouldn't buy Jake a present, so I'm deciding to run away.  Right now I'm in my room.   I've made apiece of paper to plan a run away now.  I've got everything planned just right.  Finally I'm outside , I'm going to the forest first. 

I walked and walked.  Finally I'm here.  I heard a bang! BANG! BANG!  I saw some people.  They were smashing a den.  Why would they do that?  Anyway I need that den.  So I went over.  They were just leaving so I went over.  I was so curious.  I had to see what they were doing, but they're getting away.  So I have to figure out some way to follow them.  I saw a sled and a rope.  They were tied together.  It was tied onto the car so I jumped on.  We drove so far I fell asleep.  I had a dream about them seeing me and throwing me out in the desert.  But when I woke up I was right.  I was in the middle of the desert. 

At first I couldn't believe it.  But then it became true.   I couldn't see anything but cactuses.  I tried to follow the tracks but it was no use because they were already gone.  So I kept walking.  I walked and walked.   I stopped to catch my breath and all of a sudden I felt a nibble.  It was a jack rabbit.  At first I was a little scared but then I noticed it was trying to be my friend.  I was really thirsty.  I found a bottle of water.  I drank one mouth full of water.  Man, I was thirsty.  I came to a pond.  I rushed to it.  I drank as much as I could.  When I was done I noticed I had a full mouth of sand.  That made me thirstier.  At least I had a full bottle of water.   I drank it all this time. 

The rabbit led me to a trailer.  It was completely empty, but there was a tap and I drank as much water as I could.  I filled my water bottle up.   Thee was a car that was outside.  It was them.  The men that threw me out of the sled.  They took me home, once they knew that I was missing.  One of the men said everyone's looking for you.  They took me to the doctors and called my mom.   They rushed me to the hospital.  The doctor gave some cream to my mom.   They said I wasn't that damaged because I was only in the desert for 3 hours.   Man, I was glad to be home and on the way home I told mom everything.  I asked mom if I could keep the jack rabbit, she said yes.  From then on I never ran away again.

Septimus and His Machine

Septimus lived in a big house.  He had a big machine.   He really wanted to go on an adventure to an island.  So he flew on his roof and took off.  He went higher and even higher.  He saw the island.  He tried to land but he couldn't.  Down, down went the machine and CRASH!  So Septimus got out of the machine and he said "Oh my".

Septimus walked and walked.  All of a sudden something jumped on his back. Ah Ah screamed Septimus. "Oh its just a monkey/"  Septimus kept the monkey.  He followed the monkey everywhere.  He followed it and the monkey stopped.  The monkey and Septimus fell into a hole.  Down, down they went.  Septimus followed the monkey.  Septimus saw so many diamonds.

He had an idea.  He said how do we get out?  The monkey found some stairs.  The monkey and Septimus went to the machine and brought it into the diamond place and put some diamonds into the motor and it started to work.  But Septimus didn't want to leave so he decided to stay and he lived really happy on the island.

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