Welcome to the Just For Kids Webring Home Page We have had 15,820 hits through our webring between 6-28-98 and 5-3-99. Hooray!!!
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How to join the ring
Here are the rules forjoining the Just For Kids WebRing
Fill out the form (found here) to register your site. Your page will then be in the Just For Kids WebRing 'Queue', where it will remain until I add you to the ring.
You'll be sent email confirming your site's addition to the Queue, along with the HTML fragment that you will need to add to your page. Before you can be added to the ring, you'll need to include the HTML fragment on your page. Please add the HTML to your page within 5 days!
Once you have added the HTML fragment to your page, E-mail me here and I'll check your HTML fragment to make sure your site ID is correct and then add you to the ring.
Once the HTML code is on your page, this is what it should look like...