Ysabell's Literature Library!

Dedicated to the books and works of literature that I have most enjoyed or have impacted my life.


The Myth of Plato's Cave - I just read this and found it very striking and intersting. To read it- click on the link bellow:
The Myth of Plato's Cave

Hey!!!! Due to lack of interest in reader input on this page- I am currently re-formating this page, completetly! Before long, you could come back and not even recognise it. :) Expect the future site to be an ode, shrine, dedication, whatever, to all of my very favorite works of literature. I will still accept book reviews, however, if you have read any and would like to share your opinions. Till I am finished then, this page will be rather boring, as it is under construction. Please check back later, as well! :) Thank you!

Till then- Look bellow for a begining on my favorite books, and
please visit my poems page to see more great works of the writing world!

Books! Books! Books!

My Favorite Books: "Classics"
The Count of Monte Cristo
A Tale of Two Cities
Crime and Punishment
Heart of Darkness
Pride and Prejudice
Wuthering Heights
The Power and the Glory
This is only a begining, more to come!

My Favorite Books: "Fantasy/Sci-Fi"
The Blue Sword
The Enchanted Forest Series (aka Dealing with Dragons series)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy
The Golden Compass
Harry Potter Series (yes, had to put them, sheesh)
The Green Rider
The Prydain Chronicles (aka The Black Cauldren series)
The Redwall Series
The Chronicles of Narnia
Once again, just a start, more to come!


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