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Hi, I'm Turkey Grandma (Laurie), Co-Liaison for Enchanted Forest Mountain! It's so fun to help you all!
LIGHT OF THE FOREST AWARDBefore you can apply for the Light Of The Forest Award, you need
After you have won the Award of Excellence, you will be able to apply for the Light of the Forest Award at http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/Glade/4494/index.html Visit the above URL's to get all the information.
What does an award winning page
look like? Visit these Mountain Award Winning sites to find out!!
Enhanced ForestKrafty Kids Crafts
Enchanted Fun Factory Hi Kids! I am Snowaltz, one of the elves at the Enchanted Fun Factory (you might remember it as Gameland)... I wanted to tell you that the Fun Factory is opened. Please visit us at: http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/Glade/3899 It will be a LOT of fun for all of you!
Two months ago, you named the contest. The winner is The Enchanted Forest Whatschamacallit Whodoneit Mysteries. Last month, you got to name the detectives!! They are Miss Sterious and Mr E. Now, you get to solve the mystery!! Visit the Enchanted Forest Contest pages at http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/Glade/3890 to enter this month's contest. Each month a new mystery is presented for you to solve.
Just be sure to have the permission of your parent or guardian to enter ANY contests, even "safe" ones like we offer in the EnchantedForest. We want you to be a "smart internet user".Yahoo
- GeoCities Information Center -
GeoBuilder If you are a beginner, GeoBuilder is the easiest and fastest way to build a Web page. Start with a blank page or try one of the great templates! For extra help, an assortment of FAQs, bug reports and sample pages will take you through everything from moving in to using music on your Homestead, and the new GeoBuilder Message Board lets you post your burning questions. It is designed for all experience levels. Click on the link below for the help you need. http://www.oocities.org/SiliconValley/Monitor/9373/quickindex.html
Does Your Page Belong in The Enchanted Forest?Please be sure that you are in the correct neighborhood. The Enchanted Forest is a neighborhood for children. These sites should have been created by a child OR they should have been created by an adult FOR the enjoyment of children. If your site does not meet these requirements, you are not in the correct neighborhood but we love you anyway. *G*1. To move your site to the proper neighborhood where you will get the best exposure for your hard work on your site, go into your File Manager at http://geocities.yahoo.com/members/file_manager.html2. Enter your membername and your password.3. Near the top of the screen you will see an area called "Quick Links" Click on Change Address and follow the simple and quick directions there. Please
feel free to email me.
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created April 4, 1999
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