flower_title.gif (43413 bytes)

ivy_left.gif (12390 bytes)watercanflowers.gif (25796 bytes)ivy_right.gif (12460 bytes)

Best Viewed 800 x 600

Page Four

Welcome everyone to my Spirit Garden page 4.  I will be planting my own graphics in the garden along with Spirit Flowers that some wonderful people have sent me.  I hope you enjoy your visit and please remember not to pick the flowers, they last longer that way.

flwr_maidenfair2.gif (9268 bytes)
Thanks Maiden Fair
March 14th, 2000
Bloomed April 12th, 2000

clover.gif (3674 bytes)
Thanks Lyn

March 13th, 2000

Spirit/Quill/Graphic maker/Proudmommasfirst
has dedicated this
"Love Pot" to me!
lovepot_dorothy.gif (244004 bytes)
©Dorthé Bergh

flwr_proudmomma2.gif (7574 bytes)
Thank you Proud Momma's First
March 17th, 2000
Bloomed April 13th, 2000

flwr_apr28.gif (13732 bytes)
Send a Spirit Flower!

flwr_anne.gif (10347 bytes)
Thank you Anne
April 3, 2000

flwr_dphoenix.gif (7995 bytes)
Thank you DPhoenix
April 12, 2000

flwr_maiden3.gif (13732 bytes)
Thank you Maiden Fair
April 13th, 2000


flwr_maddamwebb.gif (19438 bytes)
Thanks Maddam Webb
April 13th, 2000

flwr_multiple.gif (11187 bytes)
Thanks Multiple Personality
April 14th, 2000

flwr_grace.gif (15386 bytes)
Thank you Grace
Bloomed May 22, 2000

flwr_azure.gif (14229 bytes)
Thanks Azure
April 17, 2000

flwr_barbara.gif (12358 bytes)
Thanks Barbara Ann
Bloomed May 17, 2000


Maiden Fair has dedicated this
"Love Pot" to me!

lovepot_maidenfaire.bmp (64678 bytes)
©Dorthé Bergh

flwr_muffinsdomain.gif (13445 bytes)
Thanks Muffin's Domain
April 24th, 2000

Bloomed May 22, 2000

flwr_maiden4.gif (9284 bytes)
Thanks again Maiden Fair
April 25th, 2000

flwr_carol.gif (11168 bytes)
Thanks Carol
April 28, 2000
Bloomed May 27, 2000


Destiny has dedicated this
"Love Pot"
to me!

lovepot_destiny.bmp (64678 bytes)
©Dorthé Bergh
April 28, 2000

flwr_grace2.gif (7111 bytes)
Thank you Grace
April 29, 2000
Bloomed May 27, 2000

flwr_grace3.gif (7235 bytes)
Thanks again Grace
April 29, 2000
Bloomed May 27, 2000


Barbara Ann has dedicated this
"Love Pot" to me!
lovepot_barbara_ann.bmp (64678 bytes)
©Dorthé Bergh
April 29, 2000

flwr_frances.gif (15018 bytes)
Thanks Frances
April 30th, 2000
Bloomed May 29, 2000

flwr_dphoenix2.gif (12490 bytes)
Thanks DPhoenix, you're the best.
May 2, 2000
Bloomed May 30th, 2000

Luck of the Irish Fairy dedicated a
"Love Pot" to me

lovepot_dorothy.gif (244004 bytes)
"Love Pot"
©Dorthé Bergh

flwr_dangelas.gif (11305 bytes)
Thank you Fairy D'Angelas 
August 8, 2000


flwr_glimmer.gif (16502 bytes)
Send a Spirit Flower!
Thank you Lady Glimmer
January 22, 2001

Bloomed February 19th, 2001

baskets015h.gif (32898 bytes)
Send a Blooming Basket!
Thank you Lady Nuallain
January 22, 2002

vflowers2001.gif (14117 bytes)

bkt.gif (14422 bytes)

baskets008h.gif (30748 bytes)


Click here to see my Christmas Garden & Gifts

panzeegarden_award.gif (44198 bytes)

Win my Garden Award. Send me an e-mail with your URL information and why you feel you would like to win the Panzees Garden Award...Oh, and don't forget to sign my spirit book on your way out. Thanks.  I will visit your page and send you the award.

Well thats it for now, I hope you had a wonderful time among the flowers and drop by again to see what else is growing...oh and before you leave, please sign my Spirit Book so I will know that you were here.

home_but.gif (12832 bytes)

spirit_but.gif (12691 bytes)

email_but.gif (12746 bytes)

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook View My Spiritbook

Some Graphics & Web Creation by Pantech
copyright © 1997-2001 All rights reserved.