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The following links are to some very nice people who I used to exchange votes with in the Sight Fights. I want to thank them very much for their loyal support.  I am not fighting at present but if you are interested in supporters for your page, please visit their pages by clicking on the buttons below.

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hsh.gif (7373 bytes)

anniescorner.gif (4598 bytes)

creembutt.gif (11578 bytes)

spiritwyse1002.gif (6502 bytes)

weezies.gif (21340 bytes)

kimbanner.jpg (4006 bytes)

teresa_qknob.gif (26879 bytes)

pageofdestinytiger.gif (15234 bytes)

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tammy.jpg (4710 bytes)

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angelgarden.gif (4704 bytes)

trishabanner1.jpg (5141 bytes)

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