My Guardains

This is Cymbeline. She adores children, and small Furry animals. She will watch over my adoted chidren, and my cyber pets.
Perdita loves mystery and illusion. Maybe she can bring some to my web page!
This is Teha, who is guardian of all that's natural. She can protect all the natural things on my page. (Do I have any?)
These two sisters are Hero and Helena. They are the twin Guardians of happiness.They can keep all my children happy!
Heather is the guardian of the souls of departed frineds. She will make sure that the friends who leave us will go to a better place.
This is Alasia, who is the guardian of magic and enchantment. She can watch over where I live, because after all, this is the EnchantedForest!
This golden guardian is Luctetia. She is the guardian of all gold and treasure. She will kepp my buried trasure safe.
This is the guardian of Silver and all things that are luminous. Her name is Silvara.
Feste is the guardian of Fairies, and will watch over my adopted fairy
This is the guardian of cyber pats, Beatrice. She will take care of my cyber pets.
Thalia, the guardian of stories and Poetry will guard over my poem of the week and get people to request peoms
This is Cassia. She os the guardian of peace and universal harmony. She will bring peace between us and the aliens.
Guenevere, guardian of rainbows will protect all the rainbows of the web.
This is Fawn, guardian of Gymnasts and dancers. She will protect me, and some of my children.
This is the guardian of sincerity, purity, and honesty. Her name is Demiteria. She will help my and my children stay pure and true.
This is robin, guardian of awards. She will help me win my first one!

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