Kayla's Krazy Homepage and Clubhouse

Things I like

Hi, I'm Kayla.
I signed up on 05/18/98 17:55:13.
Please come back often to visit me.

I'm 14 years old and I have a little sister named Cyndi. I retired from dance 2 years ago so I have no new pictures to put up....sorry!
I will keep up my current pages as a reminder of the fun and great times I had while dancing. Hope you enjoy viewing them.

I love taking dance lessons and my favorite is ballet. I also love Leonardo DiCaprio. My favorite movies are "Romeo and Juliet" and "Titanic" [I saw it twice so far]. I also love Melissa Joan Hart in the tv show "Sabrina". I try to never miss it. I love Neal McCoy and Shania Twain, country singers, but I also like the Spice girls and the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Offspring, 50cent, eminem, too many more to name. I love most music and watch MTV to catch any new songs that may be out. I listen to the radio and CD's and I love dancing!

I used to watch the Rugrats. Angelica is my favorite character. Everybody says I act like her. Yeah, right, give me a break.

I like playing Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64, my favorite is Mario.
Do you like to play games? I hope to make alot of new friends on the web.

Want to see my Titanic page? Click here.
It's not much but it's mine. I made it when Titanic was a big movie.

Links to other sites on the Web

Kayla's Halloween 2001
pictures of me dressed up in my Halloween costume

Dance 2001
(my latest dance pictures)

Kayla's Club House

my aunt's cat, Princess' site

my grandmabebbee

Winners of My Award
(Some great dance links here!!!)

My Virtual Dance Studio and Recital

All About How I Started In Dance

My Dance Pictures

My Fairytale Land

My Adopted Fairies

Win One Of My Awards

I won this award from another girl named Kayla.
Thank You!

I'm so proud to be the first winner of this Enchanted Forest Award, Thank You!

My Crazy Counter :)

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