
These are my awards available to sites which are kid friendly, no porn or foul language, family oriented only please!


Please choose the award you would like from those below:

If you recently applied for one of my awards and haven't received notice from me, I am terribly sorry. I recently moved from webtv to a PC and your request may have been lost. Please accept my apologies. I lost a lot of correspondence in the changeover. I find my time very limited now that I started high school so please take the award you would like (right click and save to your hard drive please), mail me your link and I will add to the winners page as soon as I have time. Please bear with me until I can get better organized. Thank you!

To be added to my winners page:
Email me
***(Important Info: All I ask in return is if you would please upload and save the award you win to your own file manager. Geocities/Yahoo are cracking down on remote linking and I would appreciate this so that I may keep my pages up and running. Thank you in advance for your courtesy on this matter)***

Okay, Easy enough?

Awards were kindly made by:

Background by:

This lovely snowglobe was made for me by catladie, please don't take mine. Go see all her wonderful snowglobes by clicking the link below.

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