The Day God Called You Home

God looked around his Garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon his earth and saw your loving face.
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
His Garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering, he knew you were in pain.
And knew that you would never get well on earth again.
He saw your path was difficult, he closed your tired eyes,
He whispered to you "Peace be Thine" and gave you wings to fly.
When we saw you sleeping so calm and free of pain,
We would not wish you back to earth to suffer once again.
You've left us precious memories, your love will be our guide,
You live on through your children, you're always by our side.
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you on the day God called you home.

~ author unkown ~

What can I say about my dad? Alot! He was hardworking, a non-drinker, patriotic, a war veteran, a family man, a loving husband and father, and I could go on and on. He had his moments where he would irritate us with his cantankerous attitude but he was generous. If we asked my mom to use the car, she would say no but ask dad and he would say sure, where you want to go? I'd jokingly say California and he would say okay, take it. He used to say he was perfect, not quite Dad but you came close. He had his faults but I'm only going to dwell on his good side. So here I go.

He liked sports and he remained loyal to the teams he liked. I don't remember him ever cheering for another team. He was a diehard Yankee fan, he loved the NY Giants and the Boston Celtics. I remember he used to have my mom keep score of the Yankee games so he could see how they did when he came home from work. There were only daytime games then so he couldn't watch. He would drag us to Cooperstown to see major league exhibition games and the Hall of Fame. Not being a baseball fan myself, I hated going but he loved it so.

For you Dad.....

He was also very patriotic. He went to the parades, flew the flag on all the holidays, watched war movies over and over again. He was wounded in World War II and he was proud of his time served. He even would call me every April 30 and ask me if I knew what today was. I would answer, Yes, Dad, the anniversary of you being wounded. He would proceed to tell me how many years it had been.
He was wounded in 1945 in Munich, Germany. He had a scar on his chest as a constant reminder. He wouldn't talk about his own war experience but he made us see war movies like The Guns of Navarone, Dirty Dozen, The Longest Day, and the list goes on and on. To be honest, it wasn't all that bad because he also took us to see the latest Disney flick too. Thanks Dad!

Just for you......

As for his taste in music, well he liked the oldies. He used to listen to the radio alot and his favorite was a DJ named Danny Fusco on WIBX. He also loved Lawrence Welk and never missed his show. He loved watching Barbara and Bobby dance and would comment how she never showed her panties when Bobby would twirl her. Dad, how could she? She had so many petticoats on underneath her skirt, geesh!

So for you Dad......

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