The following list illustrates the type of topics that may be raised in our discussions on Eshet Chayil. Of course, other relevant topics are welcomed as well.
The woman in the family
- Should we as women become involved in our sons' yeshiva?
- Should we as women become involved in our husband’s business affairs?
- Akeret HaBayit and Ikar HaBayit: Who is really in charge of the house according to Jewish Law?
- Should Jewish women be in charge of the home finances?
- Should Jewish women be the only ones involved in raising the children?
The woman in the workplace
- Women working in an environment in which the dress code or uniform is not acceptable – what are the limits?
- Should women be waitresses at a male audience or at all?
- In what ways can women in the work place control the halachot of yichud when working together with a man?
The woman in the community
- What are the major published and web-based resources for the women’s role in Judaism?
- In a world which tends to favor equality of the genders, how do organizations such as Hadassah, Mizrachi Women, and the shul sisterhood continue to thrive?
- Should women be allowed to teach classes in all-boy yeshivas?
The woman in the shul
- Should we as women become involved in our shul?
- “Behind every great man stands a woman.” Does this mean that women have no identity of their own?
- Wife of the kollel scholar going out to work – have the roles been reversed in modern Judaism?
The woman and tzniut
- Why do some women in frum circles wear gaudy clothing, jewelry, hats, sheitls, and makeup that attract attention?
- Why do women in some religious circles wear housecoats all day long, inside and outside the home? Is this not immodest?
- May observant Jewish women join the women’s army corps?
- Are slits acceptable in skirts worn by observant Jewish women or does such attire attract attention?
- Is there a minimally acceptable height for stockings in Jewish Law? What is the optimal height?
- Which headcovering is best? Sheitl? Snood? Tichel? Hat?
- May observant Jewish women nurse a baby in a public location in a discreet manner?
- Should Jewish women become involved in political issues? Will these issues cause them to sacrifice their femininity and modesty?
- Can observant Jewish women dance at a wedding if the men can see through the machitza? If there are men waiters or photographers? If men enter the women's section?
- Is Kol Isha a problem for the woman who is singing or for the man who listens to her?
- If a man enters a women’s concert, is the singer required to stop?
- May women swim at a separated swimming site in which there is a male lifeguard?
- What should be done in a women’s swimming site when curious men or boys wander over?
- May women call to the driver to stop the bus?
- May women take a haircut in a barbershop which is not completely closed off?
The woman as a Jew
- How important is it for us as women to preserve old world ideals of dignity and modesty?
- Is today’s tendency for feminism, pluralism, and equality a positive development for observant Jewish women?
- In our present-day aggressive society, do Jewish women drivers sacrifice their femininity?
- "Baruch she'asani kirtzono" How many different interpretations can we find for this blessing?
- Which traditions or circumstances allow women to accept Shabbat after the candles are lit?
- Does "Mitzvat asei she'hazman grama" apply only to women? Why?
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David Grossman Owner | Miriam Grossman Moderator |
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