Coming Events
April 2-3 and 6-10, 2005 58th Annual Pennsylvania Maple Festival
Meyersdale, PA
April 16-17, 2005 Southern Cove Power Reunion Assn. Spring
Plow Days, Antique Tractor and Engine Show--- New Enterprise, PA
April 23-24, 2005 N.A.M.E. North American Model Engineering Expo
Miniature Engines--- Southgate, MI
May 7-8, 2005 4th Annual Nittany Farm Museum Plow Party and Show
--- Centre Hall, PA
June 3-5, 2005 31st Annual Spring Show -- Nittany Antique Machinery
Assn. Feature: Massey-Harris--- Centre Hall, PA
June 16-18, 2005 Coolspring Power Museum Summer Exposition and
Flea Market Feature: Fairbanks-Morse--- Coolspring, PA http://www/
Jan. 21-22, 2006 Cabin Fever Model Engineering Expo.
--- York, PA