The Circassians: A Handbook

Amjad Jaimoukha

Front cover of The Circassians: A Handbook                                            Front cover of The Chechens: A Handbook

 UK edition (RoutledgeCurzon)                                US edition (Palgrave )

Published by RoutledgeCurzon (ISBN 0 7007 0644 5)
(part of the Taylor & Francis Group)
In the Series Caucasus World
Series editor: Nicholas Awde.
Distributed in the USA by Routledge /New York
Also co-published in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, the academic wing of St. Martin's Press
(ISBN: 0312239947)

There are records of this book in the Library of Congress (US edition) and the British Library (UK edition).


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At least 14 reviews of the book in the English language have been published:


The book is cited by dozens of books, theses, dissertations, research papers and articles.



·  People and land
·  History: earliest to 18th century
·  History: the Russian-Circassian War to the collapse of the Soviet Union
·  Politics and current affairs
·  The Diaspora
·  Economy
·  Religion and beliefs
·  Social structure
·  Customs and traditions
·  Folklore
·  Arts, crafts, and architecture
·  Music and dance
·  Language and linguistic policy
·  Literature
·  Theatre, media, and film


Further Reading
·  Proverbs and sayings
·  Chronology
·  Appendices
·  The Circassian Pantheon and caste system
·  Latinized Kabardian alphabet
·  Circassian lexicography
·  Bibliographies and journals


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·  Includes about 240 proverbs and sayings with meanings and English equivalents.
·  Chronology includes more than a hundred entries, from 750,000 BC to the present.
·  Lexicography includes some 55 works on Kabardian-Cherkess, Beslanay, and Adigean and its dialects.
·  Bibliography includes more than 1,000 works in Western and Eastern European languages, Circassian, Russian and Turkish, arranged alphabetically according to author.
·  Some 60 photos, 6 maps, and other illustrations.

Back cover of The Circassians: A Handbook

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UK edition: Routledge/New York (in stock),, WHSmith (in stock), (WHSmith's online bookstore), Blackwell's (has both editions in stock: UK , US ), Waterstone's (joined with, History, Ottakar's, The Book Pl@ce, Tesco, Alphabet Street (in stock),, Bookland, NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), Pandora (Turkish bookstore), Countrybookshop (in stock), Student, Bloomsbury.

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People who read the book have made the following comments:

AlperGultekin from Turkey: It's a wonderful handbook for all Circassians and travellers too. I think young Circassian children can learn their past and about their land through this book. There have been many books about the Circassians, but this one is more useful than the others. Thank you. (

Myra Daridan from France: The Circassians had constituted a well known culture until the end of the XIXth century, when they were scattered around the world and became one of many unfortunate diasporas. Had I been asked a couple of years ago about the Circassians, I would have said that this culture was becoming a subject for historians. With Amjad Jaimoukha's book, I am beginning to believe that this culture will survive, not only in history books, but within its members and by its members. "The Circassians: a Handbook" is a scientific review, free of hearsay and a-priori assumptions, in which the author was able to combine history, tradition and future prospects representing the different views of the many tribes that constituted the Circassian entity. The reader for whom the subject is familiar will still discover in this book details that are only known to 'insiders', whereas the novel discoverer will learn about the many aspects that characterised this culture. The bibliography at the end of the book is a masterpiece of completeness, and has never been as thoroughly investigated and presented. The Circassian sayings will demonstrate, if need be, the universality of wisdom amongst different cultures. From a Circassian point of view, I am very proud to see one of us presenting our heritage as it was originally perceived by our fore-bearers: a culture and not a religion, a nation and not a race, a future and not only a past. I strongly recommend reading this book to gain a better understanding of the current events taking place in the Caucasus but also in the many areas in the world where emigrants have sought refuge. (

Waterstone's : A truly essential item.

OkanIscan from Turkey, June 5, 2001: Waiting for the next one
First the book on the Abkhazians, then the Circassians, now I am looking forward to have the one on the Ubykh from the same handbook series. I do want to thank Amjad Jaimoukha for his extraordinary work. Excellent source of information! (