Ernest Miller Hemingway

born in Oak Park, Illinois on July 21st, 1889. As a young man he served as a volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War One. Later he transferred to the Italian infantry and he was severely wounded. After 1927 Hemingway spent years in Key West, Florida, Spain and in Africa. During the Spanish civil war he returned to Spain as a newspaper correspondent and later he was reporter for the US Army. After the war, he settled down near Havana and about 1958 he moved to Ketchum, Idaho. In 1961 he committed suicide.

Among his most famous works are:
A Farewell to Arms, Death in the Afternoon, The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun also Rises


The story is narrated by Jake Barnes, an American journalist who has been sexually impotent since having been wounded during World War I. Jake is in love with Lady Brett Ashley, who returns his love, but she decides to marry Mike Campbell. Jake?s friend, Robert Cohn, always manages to go to the same cafés and restaurants where Jake and Brett go to. When Cohn met Brett for the first time, he immediately fell in love with Brett. He knows, though, that Brett will marry Mike Campbell. He always wants to be alone with Brett and so he accompanies Brett on her journey to San Sebastian. In the meantime, Bill Gorton comes back from his journey to Budapest and Jake invites him to go to Spain with some other friends to join the fiesta and the bullfights in Pamplona. Jake really loves bullfights and he often goes to Spain to visit them and  so he can explain to his friends everything concerning bullfights and fiestas and he is already familiar to the hotel owner in Pamplona. He especially admires the young matador Pedro Romero, whose skill, bravery and moral earnestness characterise him as a true hero. The others in his group, however, remain true to their drinking habits and so the fiesta degenerates into a series of brawls. A reason for this degeneration is that Brett admires Romero and when Mike is drunk, he always gets jealous and Brett finally leaves him for Romero. Angry about Brett?s seduction of the young matador, Cohn beats up both Romero and Jake. Now Brett is so indignant at Cohn that she tells him that he should leave for Paris. After the Fiesta, Brett runs off with Romero. Jake retreats to a seaside resort in an effort to regain moral stability, but his recreation time is interrupted by a telegram from Brett. She asks him  to come to Madrid to help her. There she tells him that she has sent Romero away, because she doesn?t want to corrupt him further. In a last taxi ride through the city, Brett and Jake face the hopelessness of their situation. Brett thinks of the notion that they "could have had such a damned good time together", and Jake responds "isn?t it pretty to think so?"

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