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One for the Money

Joe Jackson


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V. Charles GiftWare


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Message to Our Friends!
We will be fruitful, happy, peaceful, and have dominion over all things that move over the earth. We thank each and every one of you for all your great work, spirit, dedication, and effort. You have made us a truly unique, special and important part of the graphic community. 


Our mission reflects that of the Agency itself. To serve all customers, clients, and potential customers and clients as we would like to be served. We welcome all comments, suggestions, and input that contribute to our professional growth. "TIES"

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Site Last Updated:
Friday January 10, 2003

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Questions or problems reguarding this web site should be directed to [ joe_jacks@hotmail.com ].
Copyright © 1995 [ TIES ]. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Friday December 21, 2001.