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Chap. 1 Gloria Gets a New Sword (HOME PAGE) Chap. 2 Gloria Finds Evil Markam Chap. 3 Entering the Castle Chap. 4 Hidden Entrance Chap. 5 A Disturbing Message! Chap. 6 To Kill a Friend? Chap. 7 Gloria Kills Him? Chap. 8 A Tiny Surprise! Chap. 9 A Time for Revenge! Chap. 10 Destroy Markam's Castle Chap. 11 A Fairy in Distress! Chap. 12 Fairies to the Rescue Chap. 13 Gloria to the Rescue Chap. 14 A Fairy Saved is a Fairy Earned Chap. 15 Markam, One Unhappy Priest Chap. 16 We're off to see the Wizard Chap. 17 Let's Make a Deal Chap. 18 City of Clouds Defense Chap. 19 Blue Dragon Goes Down Chap. 20 City of Clouds Questionable Chap. 21 Gloria is Captured Chap. 22 Robert to the rescue Chap. 33 Gloria and Robert on the trail of Markam Chap. 34 Markam gears up Chap. 35 Markam challenges Robert Chap. 36 Robert races to the Arena Chap. 37 Gloria helps Robert Chap. 38 A meeting with Artimus Chap. 39 Gloria Dreams Chap. 40 Grand Battle Chap. 41 Dragon Surprise Epilogue