Welcome to Stretch's Hangar!!
    Home Base of Operations located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
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I have been threatening to create this page for sometime and finally decided to use Cheri's skills    fs98.com
in page design.  With a combined love of flying and computers, we enjoy contributing to the            Ace McCool
Flight Sim community.  I am currently working on my PPL.   My home training field is SHD in           FlightSim
the lush hills of the Shenandoah Valley. On the creation date of this page I currently have 21           Dave Middleton's
hours and completed my first solo in July.  I'll keep you posted on my progress.  Hope you      Marc Suxdorf
enjoy the page!!  Blue skies to ya!! (:                                                                                                    AirfieldofDreams
 Update July 19, 1998 - Stretch solos at SHD!!

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